The Farm

The accommodations are on a registered century farm which means that it has been owned and operated by the same family for over 100 years. It’s been about 120 years, actually since the land was first occupied by the ancestors of the current residents. About 50 years ago, it was bustling with chickens, horses, sheep, cows and pigs in addition to the surrounding farmland that grows soy beans and seed corn. The remaining buildings include the barn (shown, built circa 1910), the grainery (built from the sides of a railroad car), Valkommen House, the main house and a newly built 4 car garage.
The root cellar/storm shelter was built in 1907 and is still a functioning place that can protect one during tornadoes and other harsh weather.
The main house where your hosts reside. This “new” house was built in 1924 and has been continuously occupied by the same family the entire time.
One of the gardens and an outhouse (don’t worry – there is a modern bathroom!). If you’re lucky enough to visit during the right time in summer, you can enjoy fresh strawberries, peas, carrots, broccoli, radishes, onions, tomatoes, watermelon, green beans, sweet corn and other treats.
A grove in which to relax. These trees were planted to serve as a wind break in the winter months and help lower the costs of heating by blocking the wind to the house.
The yard and barnyard. The barn is currently undergoing a transformation into an event space.
And nothing around you except empty fields of complete silence and peace. We will guarantee that you won’t be bothered by noisy neighbors!
- You will see insects while you are here. Insects are, unfortunately a part of farm life in the midwest. We do employ pest control and offer suggestions in our Guest Guide to help you minimize their annoyances but if you have an extreme adverse reaction to seeing a fly, cricket, a June bug or a butterfly, this may not be the best choice for your stay. You will NOT see swarms, cockroaches or rats during your stay. We DO maintain a very clean environment.
- This is not a luxury setting, this is a real, working farm. We are closer to the Beverly Hillbillies than we are to Beverly Hills. We do have more stars than Hollywood, however – just look up at the night sky and you’ll be star-struck for sure. We’re also quite forward thinking and tech-savvy. The farm has had a fiber internet connection for almost 20 years and we have a very progressive non-discrimination policy in force.
- We respectfully ask that if you decide to book with us that you rate us fairly based on our description of the property and our disclaimers laid out here. We’d rather you not book than come here and be unhappy – there is a list of people wanting to reserve your stay so no harm to us. This isn’t the place for everyone, but it certainly is the place for lots of folks.